Functionality of Hunza Water and Hisui Water
It was surprising to learn that theory of Technos High Speed Activation Machine system is exactly the same as Nanocolloid Water invented by Dr. Flanagan who is most well-known for his studies on Hunza Water. We are even more confident in our Hisui Water as the main component of Nanocolloid Water, Silika, is the same as Technos’s Ceramic balls.
Our Husui Water has no added hydrogen gas or being electrolyzed so it has no H2 (molecular hydrogen).
As Negative Hydrogen Ions are electron particle, these cannot be measured.
Just like the Water made by Dr. Flanagan, Husui Water is magnetized water made from friction between Silica-made Ceramic balls in Technos High Speed Activation Machine and adding 24,000 Gauss.
When these magnetized nanocolloids diffuse inside human body, active hydrogen is released and vitalizes molecular mitochondria. As our silica nanocolloid mineral water is made from unheated aseptic normal temperature system, the effects last longer. Our active hydrogen water is produced with unique and completely differently from other products.
As we believe in “proof is better than argument” attitude, we are currently having notable people of the industry and celebrities to experience and monitors our products.
This equipment activates water by giving weak energy to water with far-infrared radical activated alumina ceramic ball and powerful magnet to make the molecule group of water, Cluster, smaller and lower the oxidation reduction potential.
When water is filtered through this, regains its original solubility, surface activity and osmotic force and become activated.
As circulation pump highly circulate the water, the system is made compact yet more effective.
The electric energy added to water is stored in mineral components and as activated hydrogen is released when mineral is dissolved in water, the effect lasts longer in bottled products.
Our Husui Water has no added hydrogen gas or being electrolyzed so it has no H2 (molecular hydrogen).
As Negative Hydrogen Ions are electron particle, these cannot be measured.
Just like the Water made by Dr. Flanagan, Husui Water is magnetized water made from friction between Silica-made Ceramic balls in Technos High Speed Activation Machine and adding 24,000 Gauss.
When these magnetized nanocolloids diffuse inside human body, active hydrogen is released and vitalizes molecular mitochondria. As our silica nanocolloid mineral water is made from unheated aseptic normal temperature system, the effects last longer. Our active hydrogen water is produced with unique and completely differently from other products.
As we believe in “proof is better than argument” attitude, we are currently having notable people of the industry and celebrities to experience and monitors our products.
Technos High Speed Activation

When water is filtered through this, regains its original solubility, surface activity and osmotic force and become activated.
As circulation pump highly circulate the water, the system is made compact yet more effective.
The electric energy added to water is stored in mineral components and as activated hydrogen is released when mineral is dissolved in water, the effect lasts longer in bottled products.